Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Priceless Princess Moments

Every now and then in my adult life something lovely happens that probably would have made more sense if it had happened when I was younger.

Two years ago, my friend Gail asked me to sit for her. She didn’t mean she needed a babysitter. She is a portrait artist. Generally, she takes lots of photos of her subjects, and then selects the best parts and pieces from the photos to combine them into a portrait. Then, she sells the masterpiece for hundreds – possibly a couple thousand -- dollars (depending on how many subjects are involved). She told me that she needed more practice painting from real life – rather than from photos. Would I sit for her? Would I sit for her!!! There is something intensely flattering about having someone want to paint your portrait. And, if that wasn’t already lovely enough, she insisted on paying me for “modeling” for her. Several afternoons a week for a couple of weeks, I went to her beautiful home and stood in my pose in the window of her studio. I loved the experience! Part of what made this so magical was spending time with my friend. I confess a little hero worship for Gail Palpant. Sometimes I think that I would like to be Gail Palpant when I grow up!

At some level this beautiful moment seemed odd to me, though – to be painted when I was older, when my most beautiful, youthful days were long behind me.

See if you can find me on her website:

Just recently I had another such experience. Our school had a huge auction in March – a major gala event. Because John was serving as Master of Ceremonies – or host – or whatever the title was, the auction committee wanted him to wear a tuxedo. A friend of the school offered to buy me an evening gown for the event. This charming, generous benefactor prefers to remain anonymous; so, sadly, I cannot name him or post his picture. He did give me an extremely generous budget for shopping. I don’t believe I have ever shopped for an evening gown before. I wasn’t even sure how to go about it! I thought I needed something long – since John was going to be very formal. After looking at the mall – and rejecting the cupcake prom look – we tried a bridal shop. The little sales girl had an interesting idea. She asked if I would like to look at some of the bridal gowns on the discount rack. I hadn’t thought of that – but it sure sounded fun! What old married lady gets to try on wedding gowns?! I believe she was thinking that some of the champagne or cream-colored ones would suit as an evening gown. The auction had an old Hollywood “red carpet” theme, and one of the wedding gowns looked like retro glam to me. And it fit! – Mostly. Of course it was 6 inches too long and had a significant train.

After trying on wedding gowns – all of the bridesmaid gowns at the shop looked so – um, ordinary. I put the dress on hold so that I could “sleep” on it. I slept well and went back to buy it the next day. I then had to take it to a tailor to have the 6 inches cut off – as well as have the train removed. Let’s just say I spent nearly as much $$ at the tailor as I did for the dress in the first place. I tried to find a wrap to add some color to my outfit – but with no success. (I really didn’t want to look like a bride.) In the end, I bought a white cape – also retro glam. So – off I went to the ball in the most-incredibly exquisite Cinderella gown of my life! The auction itself was so magical. I continue to be amazed by the staff/faculty/friends and family that comprise our school.

Again I had that odd feeling that the timing was muddled – as though my days for dressing up like a princess should probably remain in my past.

So here’s to my past youth – and some of the leftover glories of it – still lingering into my “later” youth! I feel so thankful that God would put these untimely blessings and beautiful people in my life!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Winter for the Wisconcitizen

I am a MI girl. I was born in Grand Rapids. And I spent 6 years of my adult life in MI as well. Winter is not exactly a picnic there. For several years, we lived in Watervliet -- an itty-bitty burg in the "lake-effect snow zone" near Lake Michigan. Recently we moved to WI. While the move was in process, people asked me if I was ready to be cold.

Am I ready to be cold? What kind of question is that? I'm a MI girl, for Pete's sake! You think I don't know what winter is? People then looked at me wisely, smiled politely and changed the subject.

Haughty of me, I suppose. Now I know. And, no -- I'm not ready to be cold!!!

When the thermometer launches into the 20's -- I think, -- oh, it's warm! I won't need so many layers! I wear hiking boots to Walmart in order to accommodate that extra layer of wool socks. Sometimes I just keep my bib-overall-snowpants on inside the house. Cuddle Duds are a standard part of the WI wardrobe (along with a great deal of green and gold). I have a personal relationship w/my space heaters -- one at home, one at work.

I try to remember to run down to do laundry while I still have my boots and coat on -- so much more comfortable. Actually, our basement is so very cold that I have considered just washing the laundry in a bucket in the back yard because it might be warmer!

If the refrigerator gets too full -- no problem. We can just store the perishables in the kitchen cupboards -- plenty cold in there!

A previous owner of our antique house explained to us the importance of running a fan behind the vent to the pipes to the shower in the master bathroom. Failing to do so might allow the pipes to freeze. Doesn't that create images of a warm toasty bathroom? We didn't follow his directions one night, and the water in the shower drain did indeed freeze. After a few minutes of running the water, the ice melted and the water drained. Thank goodness!

Even on the most painfully cold days, I still walk the dog about 3 miles. Sometimes I think it takes longer to put on all of my layers - and later take them off again -- than it takes to walk the 3 miles! Don't envy my "Nanook of the North" fashion statement!

This week -- on Wednesday -- March 23 -- we received 6 inches of fresh snow. So --yeah -- WI stands for WInter! I gotta run. I need to empty the dryer before the clothes get freezer burn. Where's my parka?