Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So -- since my blog-fest of November, I haven't written a thing. So boring! But really, the Christmas season was kind of busy. And now it's January, and my schedule has slowed to nearly a stop. I am taking time to repair old jewelry and alter clothes that don't fit. Also, a little boring. So -- when I have time to blog -- I have nothing about which to write. When life is interesting, I have no time to blog! Stay tuned, though -- surely I'll think of something interesting to say soon!

I have been thinking that maybe I need to change direction with my blog in the new year. But which direction should I explore? By all means, if you have ideas -- do comment!

Today I'm thinking maybe the blog would be more interesting if I wrote about what I wish I were doing today. I could make up all sorts of glamorous stuff -- exotic places -- fascinating people. Then blog about them. As in . . . "Today as I was touring around the Eiffel tower, bumped into the most extraordinary gentleman! He was wearing a jogging suit, mixed with an actual French beret and was carrying a silver tray full of gourmet cupcakes. He was selling them for way too many francs -- or whatever their money exchange is called -- and I thought I'd best let the goodies pass. Then he looked at me like he knew me -- which of course he couldn't have, and I felt awkward. Just when I was pretty sure I was going to have to hand over too much dough -- for a little confection, he presented me with a cupcake. 'For you - madam -- from America. A gift! -- so that now you can have something to blog about!'"

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